In the second installment of the Nature Series, I want to talk about Water. Everyone knows about it. Sixty percent of our body is Water. Seventy percent of Earth is water. Man cannot live without drinking water for three days. blah... blah. I don't want to go gaga into all those details which everyone knows. I want to talk about things which people do not know and about things which people know but tend to ignore.
Water serves not only as a purpose and means for living but it also has an important role to play in our beliefs and

religions. Almost every religion in this world has an important place for water. The great holy books of Hindus say that all the wealth and prosperity of the world emerged from Sea or Water. Hindus treat water with most respect and many hindus believe that sacred rivers like Ganga pave the way for Moksa, the realm of Nirvana. In Christianity, Water is linked with Baptism where it is used for purification and cleansing the original sin as stated in the bible. The Koran of Islam says "We have created everything from Water" and according to Prophet Mohmed, the founder of Islam, giving water to drink is the most praiseworthy deed. Whatever may be the religion or belief, Water is treated as a symbol for purity and source of all life. Water is life.
Water in its original form always comes with beauty. The wonderful colors of a rainbow, the smell of earth when mixed with the initial rain drops and the first rain after a hot summer remain unforgettable in everyone's life whoever have experienced it. Just imagine the gentle sound of waves on a silent beach, just imagine the
soothing sound of water flow early in the morning and try to remember the rhythmic sound of the droplets of water falling from your rooftop after the rain. It's all beauty.
Our Earth is called Blue Planet as seventy percent of it is covered with water. It's no wonder that the number of species living in the water is greater than the number of species living on land. Water also plays a major role in keeping our body sound and healthy. Drinking less amount of water may lead to constipation and can have adverse

effects on the functioning of Kidneys. On the other hand drinking good amount of water helps in replacing Oxygen lost due to allergies and helps activating fiber thus preventing atherosclerosis, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Weight loss diets wont work without enough water. Water can also help you relieve the common cold and Flu. Water is Energy.
Pure and safe drinking water provides lot of benefits and advantages as mentioned. But, at the same time polluted water can make things worse. Most of the common diseases in this world are caused by polluted and unsafe water. 90% of the child deaths in poor countries are related to polluted water and in developing countries a child dies every 15 seconds because of water related issues. Even in the so called developed world, it's very unfortunate that pure drinking water comes at a price.
Nearly 98% of water on earth is Undrinkable or covered in icecaps. Only 2% of it is suitable for drinking, agriculture and other residential needs. So, one should feel very lucky to have an

opportunity to get pure and safe water. It's our responsibility to make sure that this percentage does not go down. Water once polluted is irreplaceable at any price. We can only try to minimize the wastage of water. We can only try to reduce the pollution of water. But, unfortunately we cannot stop it. There is same amount of water on Earth today as there was when we first came to know about Earth. Because of increase in demands and decrease in the percentage of safe drinking water, everyone in this world is not able to get the privilege of enjoying his or her share of pure water. It is our duty to preserve the most precious and the most limited natural resource given to us. The water tables are depleting and the percentage of pure and safe drinking water is going down. Most of the countries in the world use recycled water for daily use. It's time to realize that we are slowly moving towards Global Water Crisis and it’s in our hands to stop it.
Water is Life. Water is Beauty. Water is Energy. And most important of all Water is limited. Let's not waste it.