Thursday, June 19, 2008


Few days after starting my own blog, I came across the news that blogger arrests hit record high. A number of bloggers across the world are arrested for exposing human right abuses or criticising governments.

I don't know what caused these arrests. It might be because of false accusations made on the governments or it might be because of exposing the hard bitter truth. I don't want to comment on that. But, this brings out an interesting argument about 'Freedom of Speech' or 'Freedom of Expression'. What are the boundaries for Freedom? Or What are the limitations for Freedom? You may argue that if there are any boundaries or limitations, then it would not be called "Freedom". It's one of those age old arguments to which History failed to deliver an answer. And the quest for the answer still continues.

I want to borrow a quote from one of my favorite characters - Dumbeldore in Harry Potter series. "The truth.." Dumeldore says. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution." I think the same applies here to freedom. Freedom as we all know is a beautiful thing. But, what we all need to realize is Freedom is also a terrible thing and most often people tend to neglect or forget about the terrible part. History has always showed us that Freedom comes with a price. The sacrifices of many leaders made India free from the shackles of the British rule. The brutal bloodshed gave rise to French Revolution and the perils of world war to free the world from dictators like Hitler is well known to everyone. It all proves one thing again and again - Freedom comes with a heavy price.

Peter Parker in Spiderman says 'With Great Power, comes great responsibilites'. Freedom is like a great power. It comes with a price and should be dealt with great caution and responsibility. Unfortunately the people who paid the price for Freedom never gets to enjoy it and the people who enjoys the freedom do not know the price of it. They take it for granted. The death of Princess Diana raised the questions on Freedom of Journalism. The Global Warming raised the questions on Freedom of exploitation of nature. The Iraq war raised the questions on Freedom of Power.

There is an old saying - 'If you can do it, it does not mean you should do it'. Please remember that not everything that is possible is a good idea. Freedom should be used to bring happiness and to provide equality of justice to one and all. It should be used to raise your voice against the unalawful and unethical exploitations and fight for the greater good of humanity. It should be used to share the responsibilities of making the world a better place for tomorrow.

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom,
My Father, let my country awake.
- Rabindranath Tagore
It's time for the weekend. It's time for the Freedom from work and worries. Njoy...




At June 20, 2008 at 11:16 AM , Blogger Appu Kasthala said...

Chaala baaga raasavu ra :)


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